The White Paper on the Management of Economic Migrations – conceived and implemented by the Economics and Labor Sector of the ISMU Foundation, is the result of an extensive process of consultation with the stakeholders of the economy and society.
It provides a set of indications and proposals addressed to public decision-makers as well as to all the actors of the labor market involved in the management of migratory processes and the inclusion of immigrant workers.
The Italian demographic scenarios, the mismatch between labour offer and demand, the need to support the competitive repositioning of businesses in the context of digitization and the ecological transition, the urgency of offering answers to the growing need for care and assistance constitute as many key challenges for the present and future of Italy, all of them closely intertwined with immigration. The latter, in fact, can provide a valuable contribution to solving the problems of the economy and society, but it can also – if not adequately managed and valorised – contribute to accentuating them.
In the light of this awareness, the White Paper intends to constitute a platform for debate between political and social forces. The hope is to contribute to the rapid approval of measures useful for promoting a management of economic migration oriented towards criteria of consistency with the needs of the economic and social system, protection of the rights of migrants and all other workers, long-term sustainability of migration and integration processes, compliance with the needs of the countries of origin, strengthening of the ability to attract immigration with greater added value.