NEAR European workshop presents the project results and fosters reflection on local engagement strategies
16 February 2023
Together for a common home. New Policy brief of NEAR Project
14 March 2023
NEAR European workshop presents the project results and fosters reflection on local engagement strategies
16 February 2023
Together for a common home. New Policy brief of NEAR Project
14 March 2023

White Paper on the Management of Economic Migrations

The White Paper on the Management of Economic Migrations – conceived and implemented by the Economics and Labor Sector of the ISMU Foundation, is the result of an extensive process of consultation with the stakeholders of the economy and society.

It provides a set of indications and proposals addressed to public decision-makers as well as to all the actors of the labor market involved in the management of migratory processes and the inclusion of immigrant workers.

The Italian demographic scenarios, the mismatch between labour offer and demand, the need to support the competitive repositioning of businesses in the context of digitization and the ecological transition, the urgency of offering answers to the growing need for care and assistance constitute as many key challenges for the present and future of Italy, all of them closely intertwined with immigration. The latter, in fact, can provide a valuable contribution to solving the problems of the economy and society, but it can also – if not adequately managed and valorised – contribute to accentuating them.

In the light of this awareness, the White Paper intends to constitute a platform for debate between political and social forces. The hope is to contribute to the rapid approval of measures useful for promoting a management of economic migration oriented towards criteria of consistency with the needs of the economic and social system, protection of the rights of migrants and all other workers, long-term sustainability of migration and integration processes, compliance with the needs of the countries of origin, strengthening of the ability to attract immigration with greater added value.

With this initiative, the ISMU Foundation fulfils its institutional mandate as an independent body that works in support of the multiple actors involved in the governance of migration and inter-ethnic coexistence, collaborating with public bodies and civil society organizations. Indeed, we are convinced that the construction of fair and sustainable migration regimes and models of inclusion requires “good” policies based on the results of research but also built with the contribution of all the actors and stakeholders involved. Just as we are aware of the need to combine the demand for flexible, simple, user-friendly migratory schemes, which respond to the objective of quickly having the manpower needed, with a political character, in the noble sense of the term, of the immigration government. In other words, we are aware that the policies – and “non-policies” – of immigration always incorporate, more or less consciously, a vision of the future.


For further information

To quote the volume

Laura Zanfrini, Libro Bianco sul governo delle migrazioni economiche. Indicazioni e proposte sul ridisegno degli schemi di governo delle migrazioni economiche e delle procedure per l’incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro straniera, Fondazione ISMU, Milano, gennaio 2023.

ISBN 9788831443265

Table of contents



1.1. Demographic scenarios and their implications for labour market equilibra
1.2. Italy in the framework of the “global crisis of care”
1.3. The jobs of immigrants and their “cost”
1.4. Italy in the framework of the Global Race for Talent
1.5. Why the law in force doesn’t work?
1.6. Some awareness on which to base “good” policies for economic migration



2.1. Correct the “repulsive” approach of migration policies
2.1.1. Relaunch an active immigration policy
2.1.2. Design ad hoc migration schemes for health profiles
2.1.3. Design ad hoc migration schemes for the agricultural sector
2.1.4. Adopt the new Blue Card Directive
2.2. Support job offer/demand matching
2.2.1. Introduce a job search migration scheme
2.2.2. Improve the governance of local/sectoral labour markets
2.2.3. Adopt specific measures for the domestic work and family assistance sector
2.2.4. Rethink pre-departure programs
2.3. Contrast irregularity and exploitation, guarantee the dignity of the workers and the sustainability of labour costs
2.3.1. Introduce a regularization mechanism on an individual basis
2.3.2. Prevent and tackle irregularity and exploitation
2.3.3. Adopt specific measures for the workers employed by families
2.3.4. Adopt specific measures for the agricultural sector
2.3.5. Subsidize the labour costs of low-paid “essential” workers
2.4. Valorise immigration
2.4.1. Improving the ability to attract aspiring entrepreneurs
2.4.2. Adopt ad hoc measures to attract workers with specific skills and for “digital nomads”
2.4.3. Remove legal barriers to accessing public employment and the health professions
2.4.4. Promote the recognition of qualifications of health professionals
2.4.5. Capitalize the “Diversity Dividend”
2.5. System Actions
2.5.1. Set up a Study Commission for the reform of the rules and administrative procedures on immigration
2.5.2. Establish an Independent Administrative Authority for Immigration
2.5.3. Strengthen the staff of the administrations involved and promote capacity building programs
2.5.4. Strengthen the knowledge/skills of labour market actors
2.5.5. Institutionalize the profile of the linguistic-cultural mediator
2.5.6. Promote the scalability of practices for inclusion