The results of the “Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum” project (ReSOMA), coordinated by ISMU, are now available on CORDIS
The project, funded under the Horizon2020 programme (January 2018 – March 2020), contributed to developing evidence-based migration and integration policies at EU level. The CORDIS website, which collects practices financed by the European Union, has published an article summarising the results achieved in two years
Between 2018 and 2020 ReSOMA created a community that now counts more than 1200 migration and integration experts including researchers, policymakers and stakeholders. Two annual rounds of consultations involved the expert community and led to 80 publications which examined the implications of European decisions on national and local policies and practice, while offering recommendations.
ISMU coordinated the project and, in particular, a unique partnership of civil society actors, local authorities, think tanks and European research bodies.
The impact of the project will be sustained over time thanks to the integration of ReSOMA into IMISCOE, the largest European network of asylum, integration and migration researchers.